Welcome to my underwater world!

I'm Anastasia, an underwater photographer with a deep love for exploring and capturing the hidden beauty of shipwrecks and the dynamic spirit of divers.

My journey began in 2018 when I first took the plunge into the ocean's depths. By 2019, I was modeling for other underwater photographers, and this experience quickly sparked my passion for capturing these mesmerizing scenes myself.

For the past three years, I’ve been dedicated to mastering the art of underwater photography with my own gear. I specialize in the haunting allure of wrecks, diving into challenging depths to reveal the stories of these submerged relics, now vibrant with marine life. Additionally, I find great joy in photographing divers, capturing their courage, grace, and the unique connection they have with the underwater world.

Interested in a photoshooting?

Technical diving

As a technical diver, I push the boundaries of underwater exploration, capturing both the eerie silence of wrecks and the dynamic interactions of divers with their surroundings.

Wreck photography is not just about the structure itself; it’s about revealing the interplay between history and nature. I dive into these depths to bring to light the intricate details and the symbiotic relationship between the shipwrecks and the marine life that now calls them home.

From the sprawling corals encrusting a forgotten bow to the schools of fish darting through a broken porthole, my lens seeks to document these silent yet dynamic environments.

Project work

I actively participate in various projects that aim to document, preserve, and raise awareness about our underwater heritage. These collaborations with fellow divers, researchers, and conservationists are vital in telling the full story of the underwater world.

One of the most fulfilling aspects of my work is participating in conservation projects and underwater research. Whether it's surveying wreck sites to understand their historical significance or working on initiatives to protect marine ecosystems, these projects allow me to combine my love for photography with a commitment to preserving the ocean’s treasures for future generations.

Interested in collaboration?

Wreck Photography


Let’s go Technical